dinsdag 2 november 2010

You strap up your boots...

Since several dozens of notebooks are apparently not enough to contain the never ending stream of bull that pours from both my brain and my pen, it seemed a wise move to create a blog. By doing this, and thus securing my rightful spot on the Interwebs, I have given millions of people all over the globe the possibility to ravenously devour my verbal vomit and to be engulfed by my endless wit. Praise me.

The funny thing about a blog however, is that you actually expect people to read the shit you write. If I were just writing in a notebook that no one would ever care to open (except for the future archaeologist discovering a vast collection of journals and directly being immensely puzzled by the astonishing variety of random stuff one ancient homo sapiens could produce), a monologue such as this one would seem rather out of place. It seems as if I am actually expecting people to read this crap. Hilarious. 

Although I am sure that perhaps not more than one (hi mom) or two (hi dad) lost souls will accidentally stumble upon this electronic wasteland every once in a while, I'm going to use my few square of e-land to try to make a difference in this godforsaken world.

Ok, I'm not. I'm probably just going to ramble about random shit like guitars, movies, books, capitalism and that girl in my class who's goddamn hot and therefore way out of my reach, and in the worst case I'll just be practicing my amazing non-native English skills for my own viewing pleasure. Sounds like a deal to me.

P.S. Mom, what's for dinner tonight?

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